the circular economy 6 minute english

the amount of waste we produce around the world is huge and it’s a growing problem. recycling has partly been the solution to the issue but it hasn't been enough. now there are calls to develop a circular economy which makes manufacturers responsible for what happens to the goods they produce. we discuss this in 6 minutes and teach some new - not recycled - vocabulary!

to separate
to divide or split different things into different categories or groups

to treat
to process or deal with, for example, recycled waste

out of sight, out of mind
a phrase that means we ignore or don’t think about what we don’t see

the person or company that makes a product

a person that buy a product

the length of time a product is designed to work for

which country recycles the highest percentage of its waste? is it:
a: sweden
b: germany
c: new zealand
[the answer is at the end of the programme.]

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the circular economy 6 minute english