over 1 000 000 dominoes best of 2018

I was inspired to make this video from watching the “Best of Hevesh5” domino videos throughout the years. So I decided to make a compilation of my videos from the past year. I’ve uploaded 21 videos this year, combining them, I’ve set up a total of 1,056,391 DOMINOES!

Here’s the complete playlist of all the videos I’ve made in 2018: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb8N-EcCRTVYY5ZAM36YULzOmAUvDxRkJ


Twitter: https://twitter.com/DominoKing0197

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealdominoking/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/therealdominoking/posts/?ref=page_internal


Music used in this video: Another Kind (Instrumental Version)

Music By: Mindme

#TheDominoKing #Dominoes #Domino

over 1 000 000 dominoes best of 2018