049 java arraylist declaration print methods add get addall copy constructor clone

كورس البرمجة الكينونية باستخدام لغة البرمجة جافا:
شرح اهم الدوال التي سيتم استخدامها من ناحية الاضافة والفرق بين النسخ السطحي ونسخ العناوين.
explain the most important methods that will be used in terms of addition and the difference between copy reference and copy shallow.
contents of this video
00:00 - introduction
00:47 - declare an arraylist
03:51 - add method
04:53 - print arraylist + get method
8:41 - get method + for each loop
11:47 - add at index
15:28 - addall method + aslist
19:18 - addall at position method
21:44 - copy constructor
24:27 - clone method
25:37 - copy reference vs copy shallow
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049 java arraylist declaration print methods add get addall copy constructor clone