dear friends, i have patented a new method of mining non-ferrous and rare
metals on land, under the surface, in the sea, and even in the vacuum – for
instance, on mars. the physical principle of the process that helps detect
metal particles and collect them does not depend on the humidity of the
material, the external pressure, and even the temperature of the materials
that the mining equipment is made if they can sustain such conditions and
not melt. the machine should be equally effective working in the depths of
the sea (at depths of up to 5-7 km), in the vacuum, on planets with no
atmosphere and with zero pressure, on earth and other planets at extremely
high temperatures close to 700-800 degrees celsius. mining can be performed
in the hot sands of the sahara desert at +60 degrees, and in south africa,
where people never considered mining rare metals without water. the metal
is patented under the title “method of automated artificial enrichment of
metal-containing ores”. if you ask me whether i consider this achievent
important, i will tell you that i do, and not just for myself, but the
humanity as a whole. i am sure that if everything goes well, this
technology can seriously disrupt the commodity markets. one floating
platform can process at least 600 thousand cubic meters of soil with 20
onboard units. as we know, you can extract 5-8, sometimes up to 20 grams
from a cubic meter. and there can be dozens or even hundreds of such
platforms. i assumed a mere 3 grams per cube and got some really
interesting figures. models can vary in size: from small and portable (the
size of a backpack), to large ones consisting of hundreds of plates. as
many as 50 blocks can be installed on nuclear-powered icebreakers and
easily process a million cubic meters of gold-containing underwater soil
per day. if it sounds like a tale to some people, they are wrong – it’s
more real than thousands of other projects out there. speaking of
complexity, let me give you an example: a modern submarine is 100 time more
complex that such a machine, let alone an airplane, which is 1000 more
technically complex.
so guys, expect some tectonic shifts on the market of non-ferrous and rare
i will provide more details about all the models and their functionality in
a day.
dear friends, i have patented a new method of mining non-ferrous and rare metals on land, under the surface, in the sea, and even in the vacuum – for instance, on mars. the physical principle of the process that helps detect metal particles and collect them does not depend on the humidity of the material, the external pressure, and even the temperature of the materials that the mining equipment is made if they can sustain such conditions and not melt. the machine should be equally effective working in the depths of the sea (at depths of up to 5-7 km), in the vacuum, on planets with no atmosphere and with zero pressure, on earth and other planets at extremely high temperatures close to 700-800 degrees celsius. mining can be performed in the hot sands of the sahara desert at +60 degrees, and in south africa, where people never considered mining rare metals without water. the metal is patented under the title “method of automated artificial enrichment of metal-containing ores”. if you ask me whether i consider this achievent important, i will tell you that i do, and not just for myself, but the humanity as a whole. i am sure that if everything goes well, this technology can seriously disrupt the commodity markets. one floating platform can process at least 600 thousand cubic meters of soil with 20 onboard units. as we know, you can extract 5-8, sometimes up to 20 grams from a cubic meter. and there can be dozens or even hundreds of such platforms. i assumed a mere 3 grams per cube and got some really interesting figures. models can vary in size: from small and portable (the size of a backpack), to large ones consisting of hundreds of plates. as many as 50 blocks can be installed on nuclear-powered icebreakers and easily process a million cubic meters of gold-containing underwater soil per day. if it sounds like a tale to some people, they are wrong – it’s more real than thousands of other projects out there. speaking of complexity, let me give you an example: a modern submarine is 100 time more complex that such a machine, let alone an airplane, which is 1000 more technically guys, expect some tectonic shifts on the market of non-ferrous and rare metal.i will provide more details about all the models and their functionality in a day. how to make two layer aerated concrete blocks bigger better and cheaper Летающие поезда Умные ракеты Разные способы обработки асфальта 4 Разные способы обработки асфальта 3 Разные способы обработки асфальта 2 Социальные домики для бездомных бесплатный ночлег technology of fast house building fast home construction technology method of instrumental enrichment of metal containing ores Для патента 2008 год dahir insaat द व त य स तर पर वहन प रण ल ह द dahir insaat Дорожный комплекс полный gyroscopic transport flying trains in hot countries flying trains clt line xlam au complete production line for cross laminated timber clt by ledinek На что мы собираем каркасный дом метизы гвозди крепежи Каркасное строительство от ЛенСтройДом incredible modern automatic wood processor production factory amazing modern wood sawmill machines clt production line from kallesoe machinery clt production line in japan nextgen sunadaya clt line clt line södra se glue system for board and glulam production two storey high frequency glulam plant high radio frequency board press from kallesoe machinery complete clt manufacturing facility in norway johann pabst holzindustrie bsh werk für sonderbauteile französisch solid finger jointed constructional timber line gfm massivholzwand mit wertschöpfung inklusive ein nachhaltiges holzhaus das komplett recyclebar ist dsc 2809 1 press line for three layer cross laminated wooden panels from kallesoe machinery profipress t 3600 x 1350 production line for solid wood panels weinig opti solution cross cut line 1250 grecon combipact vertical fingerjointer by the weing group q press for laminated boards steico neubau firmenzentrale production of laminated veneer lumber steico lvl cross laminated timber clt production line by wigo group weinig automatisierung schwörer d weinig flexirip c700 at ligna 2019 weinig variosplit 900 at ligna 2019 springer clt bsp produktion mit querlagenförderportal xpress clt lappia finland bottene engineering full automatic plant for glulam production 北楽TV 第五話 集成材ができるまで mh modules pa1500 manual pallet stacker eg100 twin blade edger in action wood mizer holytek cnc dovetail machine taiwan ingenious woodworking inventions technologies on another level inok presentation koles bsh kvh weinig clt construction i r holzbau tnode x mockup installation bsh flexipress making long heavy duty clamps making a bass guitar case how to make two layer aerated concrete blocks bigger better and cheaper Летающие поезда Умные ракеты Разные способы обработки асфальта 4 Разные способы обработки асфальта 3 Разные способы обработки асфальта 2 Социальные домики для бездомных бесплатный ночлег technology of fast house building fast home construction technology method of instrumental enrichment of metal containing ores Для патента 2008 год dahir insaat द व त य स तर पर वहन प रण ल ह द dahir insaat Дорожный комплекс полный gyroscopic transport flying trains in hot countries flying trains clt line xlam au complete production line for cross laminated timber clt by ledinek На что мы собираем каркасный дом метизы гвозди крепежи Каркасное строительство от ЛенСтройДом incredible modern automatic wood processor production factory amazing modern wood sawmill machines clt production line from kallesoe machinery clt production line in japan nextgen sunadaya clt line clt line södra se glue system for board and glulam production two storey high frequency glulam plant high radio frequency board press from kallesoe machinery complete clt manufacturing facility in norway johann pabst holzindustrie bsh werk für sonderbauteile französisch solid finger jointed constructional timber line gfm massivholzwand mit wertschöpfung inklusive ein nachhaltiges holzhaus das komplett recyclebar ist dsc 2809 1 press line for three layer cross laminated wooden panels from kallesoe machinery profipress t 3600 x 1350 production line for solid wood panels weinig opti solution cross cut line 1250 grecon combipact vertical fingerjointer by the weing group q press for laminated boards steico neubau firmenzentrale production of laminated veneer lumber steico lvl cross laminated timber clt production line by wigo group weinig automatisierung schwörer d weinig flexirip c700 at ligna 2019 weinig variosplit 900 at ligna 2019 springer clt bsp produktion mit querlagenförderportal xpress clt lappia finland bottene engineering full automatic plant for glulam production 北楽TV 第五話 集成材ができるまで mh modules pa1500 manual pallet stacker eg100 twin blade edger in action wood mizer holytek cnc dovetail machine taiwan ingenious woodworking inventions technologies on another level inok presentation koles bsh kvh weinig clt construction i r holzbau tnode x mockup installation bsh flexipress making long heavy duty clamps making a bass guitar case how to make two layer aerated concrete blocks bigger better and cheaper Летающие поезда Умные ракеты Разные способы обработки асфальта 4 Разные способы обработки асфальта 3 Разные способы обработки асфальта 2 Социальные домики для бездомных бесплатный ночлег technology of fast house building fast home construction technology method of instrumental enrichment of metal containing ores Для патента 2008 год dahir insaat द व त य स तर पर वहन प रण ल ह द dahir insaat Дорожный комплекс полный gyroscopic transport flying trains in hot countries flying trains clt line xlam au complete production line for cross laminated timber clt by ledinek На что мы собираем каркасный дом метизы гвозди крепежи Каркасное строительство от ЛенСтройДом incredible modern automatic wood processor production factory amazing modern wood sawmill machines clt production line from kallesoe machinery clt production line in japan nextgen sunadaya clt line clt line södra se glue system for board and glulam production two storey high frequency glulam plant high radio frequency board press from kallesoe machinery complete clt manufacturing facility in norway johann pabst holzindustrie bsh werk für sonderbauteile französisch solid finger jointed constructional timber line gfm massivholzwand mit wertschöpfung inklusive ein nachhaltiges holzhaus das komplett recyclebar ist dsc 2809 1 press line for three layer cross laminated wooden panels from kallesoe machinery profipress t 3600 x 1350 production line for solid wood panels weinig opti solution cross cut line 1250 grecon combipact vertical fingerjointer by the weing group q press for laminated boards steico neubau firmenzentrale production of laminated veneer lumber steico lvl cross laminated timber clt production line by wigo group weinig automatisierung schwörer d weinig flexirip c700 at ligna 2019 weinig variosplit 900 at ligna 2019 springer clt bsp produktion mit querlagenförderportal xpress clt lappia finland bottene engineering full automatic plant for glulam production 北楽TV 第五話 集成材ができるまで mh modules pa1500 manual pallet stacker eg100 twin blade edger in action wood mizer holytek cnc dovetail machine taiwan ingenious woodworking inventions technologies on another level inok presentation koles bsh kvh weinig clt construction i r holzbau tnode x mockup installation bsh flexipress making long heavy duty clamps making a bass guitar case dear friends, i have patented a new method of mining non-ferrous and rare
metals on land, under the surface, in the sea, and even in the vacuum – for
instance, on mars. the physical principle of the process that helps detect
metal particles and collect them does not depend on the humidity of the
material, the external pressure, and even the temperature of the materials
that the mining equipment is made if they can sustain such conditions and
not melt. the machine should be equally effective working in the depths of
the sea (at depths of up to 5-7 km), in the vacuum, on planets with no
atmosphere and with zero pressure, on earth and other planets at extremely
high temperatures close to 700-800 degrees celsius. mining can be performed
in the hot sands of the sahara desert at +60 degrees, and in south africa,
where people never considered mining rare metals without water. the metal
is patented under the title “method of automated artificial enrichment of
metal-containing ores”. if you ask me whether i consider this achievent
important, i will tell you that i do, and not just for myself, but the
humanity as a whole. i am sure that if everything goes well, this
technology can seriously disrupt the commodity markets. one floating
platform can process at least 600 thousand cubic meters of soil with 20
onboard units. as we know, you can extract 5-8, sometimes up to 20 grams
from a cubic meter. and there can be dozens or even hundreds of such
platforms. i assumed a mere 3 grams per cube and got some really
interesting figures. models can vary in size: from small and portable (the
size of a backpack), to large ones consisting of hundreds of plates. as
many as 50 blocks can be installed on nuclear-powered icebreakers and
easily process a million cubic meters of gold-containing underwater soil
per day. if it sounds like a tale to some people, they are wrong – it’s
more real than thousands of other projects out there. speaking of
complexity, let me give you an example: a modern submarine is 100 time more
complex that such a machine, let alone an airplane, which is 1000 more
technically complex.
so guys, expect some tectonic shifts on the market of non-ferrous and rare
i will provide more details about all the models and their functionality in
a day.