the fall of kabul the last days of the war in afghanistan four corners

a moment in history, told by those who escaped afghanistan and those left behind.


in the baking afghan summer sun, thousands of people made a desperate dash for the airport in kabul.

their city was convulsed with fear after the country's leadership fled, leaving the taliban back in the presidential palace. it was an inglorious end to the 20-year war effort to rid the nation of the taliban.

the airport became the scene of an unfolding nightmare with massive crowds flooding the terminal and runway, while others were locked out.

filmed around the world and on phones from secret locations, four corners' captures the stories of those who have escaped and those who have been left behind.

#kabul #afghanistan #4corners

reporter: louise milligan
producer: sashka koloff
researchers: lauren day, naomi selvaratnam
additional research: amy donaldson, mary fallon, kevin nguyen
editor: guy bowden
additional editing: james braye
camera: jordan bryon
additional camera: marc smith, david sciasci,
andrew greaves, bradley mclennan, jim vanvranken


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the fall of kabul the last days of the war in afghanistan four corners