special task force sobr bulat moscow s serious crime fighters full documentary

the special unit sobr bulat moscow is one of the most important associations of the russian guard. the guard is responsible for russia's internal security. it employs around 400,000 people, including well over a hundred special units. many of them, like the special task force moscow, are referred to as elite associations. the moscow sek unit is called sobr bulat, witch means 'rapid reaction forces steel'. the main operational areas of the special task force are organized crime and terrorism.

the art of improvisation, quick reactions and the willingness to take responsibility - these are the qualities that sobr bulat's special forces must have. in addition, of course, there is physical fitness. the men of the moscow elite unit are officers, between their early 20s and late 40s. the special forces are allowed to serve as long as they are mentally flexible and physically fit. both are checked regularly. there are no precise figures about the strength of the troops. it is treated as a state secret. the sobr bulat should have around 200 special forces. welt accompanied the special unit moscow for three months in training and on missions.

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special task force sobr bulat moscow s serious crime fighters full documentary