high tech trucks autonomous cars internet controlled vehicles future mobility free documentary

future of mobility: high tech trucks, autonomous driving & vehicles controlled via the internet | tech documentary

hightech trucks: intelligent giants of the highway: https://youtu.be/_h-kcb6n_94

from a global standpoint, industries have found themselves at the cusp of an unprecedented change. digital transformation has created new infrastructures, business models and technologies. mobility is now being transformed into another big data application that facilitates the transportation of people and freight without human input. it’s the beginning of a new epoch and we are doing our part in recording history by casting a gaze on the digitization of mobility. change at the interface between humankind and machines.

00:00 the trucks of the future
how the digital transformation of trucks makes then more and secure and efficient.

23:16 automatized driving: today and tomorrow
which super technology has changed the art of driving?

48:08 the future of communication
how satellites control ships and aircrafts via the internet.

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high tech trucks autonomous cars internet controlled vehicles future mobility free documentary