3d character modeling episode 24 blender 3d modeling character modeling like mjo free tutorial

how to do blender character modeling like mjo, cs bisht vines ?

these are very simple characters that you can make in blender very easily. these days funny characters trend is increasing day by day and some popular channels like make joke of , cs bisht vines have become most popular in very short time on behalf of there great script and animation.

if you also want to learn these kind of funny character modeling in blender 3.0 than this video can be very helpful to you. here we try to describe all kind of shortcuts and working methods for blender beginners.

❆ important links for video

➠ start with blender ( ep. no. 1 )

➠modeling and selection shortcuts ( ep. no. 2 )

❆ other links

➠ bevel modifier ( episode 20 )

➠ bevel tool ( episode 3 )

➠ modifiers introduction ( part 1 )

➠ modifiers middle ( part 2 )

➠ modifiers final ( part 3 )

tutorial timeline:

funny character modeling : 0:00
use of mirror modifier : 08:07

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3d character modeling episode 24 blender 3d modeling character modeling like mjo free tutorial