blender 2 93 full training episode 13 gaming montage video free 3d models download sell model

how to make gaming 3d animation montage video ?

lots of people making free fire or other gaming montage videos and earning each and every day. montage videos are videos that assembles from small piece of videos. the major role in create this video is 3d animation using blender.

how to download free gaming video from internet ?

cg traders and skech feb are most popular website that providing unlimited free or paid models on internet. you just need to sign up the website and can download lot's of 3d models free of cost in any format.

how to sell 3d models ?

cg traders and skech feb are most popular website sell 3d models over the internet and earn money with models. if any one purchase your model you will get paid and can earn with your 3d model.

tutorial timeline:

intro of video: 0:00
what is gaming montage video : 00:20
what is vfx : 04:50
how to download free models : 08:34
how to apply animation in model : 12:28

episode 1 - modeling, animation, 3d painting basics

2. episode 2 - all kind selections, extrude tool, insert edge tool

3. episode 3 - bevel tool fundamentals for beginners

4. episode 4 - loop cut tool, offset edge loop cut tool

episode 5 - knife tool, bisect tool

episode 6 - poly build tool, retopology

episode 7 - spin tool

episode 8 - smooth tool, randomize tool

episode 9 - edge slide, vertex slide, shrink/fatten and push/pull tool

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blender 2 93 full training episode 13 gaming montage video free 3d models download sell model