jay and adam react, review, riff and rate the second terrifying trailer for brightburn, and then wonder if parenting books cover how to raise someone with super powers.
original trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpe33_0z4py
discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/bnsmekh
today on preview'd, jay and adam react to the brightburn trailer 2 reaction, then review it, and at the end jay gives it his special rating. during the brightburn trailer 2 review they also talk about zod. also in this brightburn trailer 2 rating, i.e. the brightburn trailer 2 reaction and review, or as it's known on the streets, the brightburn trailer 2 reaction & review, adam freaks out. a lot. but it wouldn't be a brightburn official trailer 2 reaction if jay didn't write a new book. but that's not all, this brightburn officiail trailer 2 review also comes with a brightburn official trailer 2 rating. all this for the low, low price of you hopefully watching the 5 - 15 second commercial before the video. and for good measure brightburn official trailer 2 reaction and review, brightburn official trailer 2 reaction & review. and that is how you youtube.
watch more of adam and jay making fools of themselves:
every trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2ye4xt6
horror movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jawthh
nerdy movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jaxbvp
video game trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2mrqgy0
comedy movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2l85n7y
tv trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqmahc
rom-com trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jolngy
suspenseful movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jeszt1
family movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqhmgh
adam’s yt page w/ stand up, sketches, and other projects: https://www.youtube.com/user/adamlashcomedy
jay’s yt page w/ stand up: https://bit.ly/2tahmia
jay and adam react, review, riff and rate the second terrifying trailer for brightburn, and then wonder if parenting books cover how to raise someone with super powers. original trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpe33_0z4pydiscord: https://discordapp.com/invite/bnsmekhtoday on preview'd, jay and adam react to the brightburn trailer 2 reaction, then review it, and at the end jay gives it his special rating. during the brightburn trailer 2 review they also talk about zod. also in this brightburn trailer 2 rating, i.e. the brightburn trailer 2 reaction and review, or as it's known on the streets, the brightburn trailer 2 reaction & review, adam freaks out. a lot. but it wouldn't be a brightburn official trailer 2 reaction if jay didn't write a new book. but that's not all, this brightburn officiail trailer 2 review also comes with a brightburn official trailer 2 rating. all this for the low, low price of you hopefully watching the 5 - 15 second commercial before the video. and for good measure brightburn official trailer 2 reaction and review, brightburn official trailer 2 reaction & review. and that is how you youtube. watch more of adam and jay making fools of themselves:every trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2ye4xt6horror movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jawthhnerdy movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jaxbvpvideo game trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2mrqgy0comedy movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2l85n7ytv trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqmahcrom-com trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jolngysuspenseful movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jeszt1family movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqhmghadam’s yt page w/ stand up, sketches, and other projects: https://www.youtube.com/user/adamlashcomedyjay’s yt page w/ stand up: https://bit.ly/2tahmia midsommar official trailer reaction review rating the lodge trailer reaction review rating it chapter 2 teaser trailer reaction review rating crawl trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer 2 reaction review rating the dead don t die trailer reaction review rating annabelle comes home trailer reaction review rating scary stories to tell in the dark teaser trailer reaction review rating midsommar trailer reaction review rating brightburn trailer 2 reaction review rating the curse of la llorona official trailer reaction review rating ma trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer reaction review rating pet sematary 2nd trailer reaction review rating super bowl roundup scary stories to tell in the dark reaction review rating the hole in the ground trailer reaction velvet buzzsaw trailer reaction review rating blood bound reaction the drone trailer reaction greta trailer reaction us trailer reaction dead ant trailer reaction you might be the killer trailer reaction the sims 4 my wedding stories official reveal trailer the sims 4 spa day refresh official trailer the sims 4 cottage living official gameplay trailer the sims 4 dream home decorator official reveal trailer the sims 4 snowy escape livestream the sims 4 snowy escape official gameplay trailer the sims 4 snowy escape official reveal trailer the sims 4 star wars journey to batuu official reveal trailer the sims 4 nifty knitting livestream the sims spark d official trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle livestream the sims 4 eco lifestyle official gameplay trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle official reveal trailer the sims 4 tiny living livestream dec maxis monthly updates on the sims 4 the sims mobile and the sims freeplay nov maxis monthly new cas items multi story columns more the sims 4 discover university livestream the sims 4 discover university official gameplay trailer the sims 4 discover university official reveal trailer the sims 4 realm of magic official gameplay the sims 4 realm of magic official trailer the sims 4 moschino stuff pack official trailer the sims 4 island living official gameplay the sims 4 ea play stream 2019 the sims 4 island living official reveal trailer the sims 4 strangerville investigation the sims 4 strangerville official reveal trailer the sims 4 get famous official launch trailer the sims 4 get famous celebrity life trailer the sims 4 get famous official reveal trailer the sims 4 spooky stuff xbox one and ps4 official trailer the sims 4 seasons official launch trailer the sims 4 seasons holidays official gameplay trailer the sims 4 seasons official reveal trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure explore selvadorada official gameplay trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure official trailer the sims 4 laundry day stuff official trailer midsommar official trailer reaction review rating the lodge trailer reaction review rating it chapter 2 teaser trailer reaction review rating crawl trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer 2 reaction review rating the dead don t die trailer reaction review rating annabelle comes home trailer reaction review rating scary stories to tell in the dark teaser trailer reaction review rating midsommar trailer reaction review rating brightburn trailer 2 reaction review rating the curse of la llorona official trailer reaction review rating ma trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer reaction review rating pet sematary 2nd trailer reaction review rating super bowl roundup scary stories to tell in the dark reaction review rating the hole in the ground trailer reaction velvet buzzsaw trailer reaction review rating blood bound reaction the drone trailer reaction greta trailer reaction us trailer reaction dead ant trailer reaction you might be the killer trailer reaction the sims 4 my wedding stories official reveal trailer the sims 4 spa day refresh official trailer the sims 4 cottage living official gameplay trailer the sims 4 dream home decorator official reveal trailer the sims 4 snowy escape livestream the sims 4 snowy escape official gameplay trailer the sims 4 snowy escape official reveal trailer the sims 4 star wars journey to batuu official reveal trailer the sims 4 nifty knitting livestream the sims spark d official trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle livestream the sims 4 eco lifestyle official gameplay trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle official reveal trailer the sims 4 tiny living livestream dec maxis monthly updates on the sims 4 the sims mobile and the sims freeplay nov maxis monthly new cas items multi story columns more the sims 4 discover university livestream the sims 4 discover university official gameplay trailer the sims 4 discover university official reveal trailer the sims 4 realm of magic official gameplay the sims 4 realm of magic official trailer the sims 4 moschino stuff pack official trailer the sims 4 island living official gameplay the sims 4 ea play stream 2019 the sims 4 island living official reveal trailer the sims 4 strangerville investigation the sims 4 strangerville official reveal trailer the sims 4 get famous official launch trailer the sims 4 get famous celebrity life trailer the sims 4 get famous official reveal trailer the sims 4 spooky stuff xbox one and ps4 official trailer the sims 4 seasons official launch trailer the sims 4 seasons holidays official gameplay trailer the sims 4 seasons official reveal trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure explore selvadorada official gameplay trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure official trailer the sims 4 laundry day stuff official trailer midsommar official trailer reaction review rating the lodge trailer reaction review rating it chapter 2 teaser trailer reaction review rating crawl trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer 2 reaction review rating the dead don t die trailer reaction review rating annabelle comes home trailer reaction review rating scary stories to tell in the dark teaser trailer reaction review rating midsommar trailer reaction review rating brightburn trailer 2 reaction review rating the curse of la llorona official trailer reaction review rating ma trailer reaction review rating child s play trailer reaction review rating pet sematary 2nd trailer reaction review rating super bowl roundup scary stories to tell in the dark reaction review rating the hole in the ground trailer reaction velvet buzzsaw trailer reaction review rating blood bound reaction the drone trailer reaction greta trailer reaction us trailer reaction dead ant trailer reaction you might be the killer trailer reaction the sims 4 my wedding stories official reveal trailer the sims 4 spa day refresh official trailer the sims 4 cottage living official gameplay trailer the sims 4 dream home decorator official reveal trailer the sims 4 snowy escape livestream the sims 4 snowy escape official gameplay trailer the sims 4 snowy escape official reveal trailer the sims 4 star wars journey to batuu official reveal trailer the sims 4 nifty knitting livestream the sims spark d official trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle livestream the sims 4 eco lifestyle official gameplay trailer the sims 4 eco lifestyle official reveal trailer the sims 4 tiny living livestream dec maxis monthly updates on the sims 4 the sims mobile and the sims freeplay nov maxis monthly new cas items multi story columns more the sims 4 discover university livestream the sims 4 discover university official gameplay trailer the sims 4 discover university official reveal trailer the sims 4 realm of magic official gameplay the sims 4 realm of magic official trailer the sims 4 moschino stuff pack official trailer the sims 4 island living official gameplay the sims 4 ea play stream 2019 the sims 4 island living official reveal trailer the sims 4 strangerville investigation the sims 4 strangerville official reveal trailer the sims 4 get famous official launch trailer the sims 4 get famous celebrity life trailer the sims 4 get famous official reveal trailer the sims 4 spooky stuff xbox one and ps4 official trailer the sims 4 seasons official launch trailer the sims 4 seasons holidays official gameplay trailer the sims 4 seasons official reveal trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure explore selvadorada official gameplay trailer the sims 4 jungle adventure official trailer the sims 4 laundry day stuff official trailer jay and adam react, review, riff and rate the second terrifying trailer for brightburn, and then wonder if parenting books cover how to raise someone with super powers.
original trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpe33_0z4py
discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/bnsmekh
today on preview'd, jay and adam react to the brightburn trailer 2 reaction, then review it, and at the end jay gives it his special rating. during the brightburn trailer 2 review they also talk about zod. also in this brightburn trailer 2 rating, i.e. the brightburn trailer 2 reaction and review, or as it's known on the streets, the brightburn trailer 2 reaction & review, adam freaks out. a lot. but it wouldn't be a brightburn official trailer 2 reaction if jay didn't write a new book. but that's not all, this brightburn officiail trailer 2 review also comes with a brightburn official trailer 2 rating. all this for the low, low price of you hopefully watching the 5 - 15 second commercial before the video. and for good measure brightburn official trailer 2 reaction and review, brightburn official trailer 2 reaction & review. and that is how you youtube.
watch more of adam and jay making fools of themselves:
every trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2ye4xt6
horror movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jawthh
nerdy movie trailer reactions: https://bit.ly/2jaxbvp
video game trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2mrqgy0
comedy movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2l85n7y
tv trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqmahc
rom-com trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jolngy
suspenseful movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2jeszt1
family movie trailer reaction: https://bit.ly/2lqhmgh
adam’s yt page w/ stand up, sketches, and other projects: https://www.youtube.com/user/adamlashcomedy
jay’s yt page w/ stand up: https://bit.ly/2tahmia