child s play trailer 2 reaction review rating

jay and adam react, review, riff, and rate the first real trailer for the child's play reboot, and things make a lot more sense this time.

original trailer:


today on preview'd, jay and adam react to the childs play trailer 2 reaction, then review it, and at the end jay gives it his special rating. during the childs play trailer 2 review they also talk the difference between killer ghosts and killer ai. also in this childs play trailer 2 rating, i.e. the childs play trailer 2 reaction and review, or as it's known on the streets, the childs play trailer 2 reaction & review, adam bring up south park. a lot. but it wouldn't be a childs play 2019 trailer 2 reaction if jay didn't make fun of adam. but that's not all, this childs play 2019 trailer 2 review also comes with a childs play 2019 trailer 2 reaction and review. all this for the low, low price of you hopefully watching the 5 - 15 second commercial before the video. and for good measure childs play 2019 trailer 2 reaction & review, previewd childs play. and that is how you youtube.

watch more of adam and jay making fools of themselves:

every trailer reaction:
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adam’s yt page w/ stand up, sketches, and other projects:

jay’s yt page w/ stand up:

child s play trailer 2 reaction review rating